Friday, 10 August 2012

Torn Apart

I can't seem to break free of my style, will try again...


  1. I like the way you broke up the man's face, and the colors are perfect. I am kinda distracted, though, by the man being so familiar: it's Richard Burton, isn't it?

  2. thank you both! Yes, Richard Burton from Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf.

    1. This is a great collage, but I do think it would've been better if the man were not recognizable. Maybe I'm being silly about this, but I'm always squeamish about using celebrities in collages: they bring in such a heavy freight of associations (in this case, Elizabeth Taylor's character in that movie) that sometimes they overwhelm the subtle juxtaposition in the collage. Just thought...

    2. That last line was supposed to be "Just a thought..." (such a pain we can't edit our comments after they go up...)

  3. Strong image of a complex actor.
