Thursday, 25 October 2012

Theme of the Week: Money

"The best things in life are free/
But you can keep them for the birds and bees/
Now give me money/
That's what I want/
That's what I want, yeah"

So sang Barrett Strong in 1959 and a bunch of lads in Liverpool were listening in their manager's shop and decided to make the song part of their act.

I was going to go for a Halloween theme this week but then decided to
pick 'Money' instead as it's far more scary these days especially when the bills come in!
So it's Cash, Moolah, Greenbacks, Bread, Dough, Loot etc……all the way to the bank!

And it's goodnight from me and the October themes - thanks for all the great collages over the last month.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for choosing such great themes Ron. Money is another great one! Anybody want to do the themes for Novembrrrr? If not I have a few up my sleeve.
