Monday 12 April 2021

Make no bones about it: Skin and bones

How to be a supermodel: Fit in a size zero and look like a skeleton!
It is sad that the "ideal" weight for a model is unhealthy low. 
Most women can only reach this target when they are (nearly) dead.


  1. If anybody thinks this collage is not appropriate I don't mind removing it!

    1. DO NOT REMOVE. It would be a great image to use as a PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT for bulimia and anorexia. I suffered from anorexia when I was in my mid-20s. It landed me in hospital and I recovered and went on to never let that happen again.

    2. Thanks Angie, I'm glad you recovered!

  2. It looks fine to me, despite me being mistaken for a supermodel most days of the week!
