Monday, 10 February 2025

year-of-the-snake: Swamp Snake

Here's the musical accompaniment from The Sensational Alex Harvey Band

with their track Swampsnake from 1973


  1. Nice one Ron! I like the addition of the 45 record sleeve! Not really heard much of the SAHB I must admit. I will check out the link - cheers!

  2. Thanks Michael. A great character was Alex. A punk before punk. Sadly passing away at only 46.

  3. I am listening to the track you provided as I type this...PERFECT! Agree with Michael about the 45 rpm sleeve (did not notice that at first!)...were they an early 80s band??...because I want to dig out my duds from another era and dance!! Oh wait...I see this was released in 1973!!! Amazing. Love this image and the music really does highlight it well or vice versa!
