Thursday, 27 September 2012

New Theme! Create A Map ... Could Be a Map of a New Country or a Mythical Kingdom ... Or a Map To ?

Ron mentioned something about creating a collage country for our next theme, so I think this fits in nicely with that thought.

This is my last week picking a month's worth of themes and it's been fun!  Hope you've had fun as well and I must say the collages created in the past couple of weeks have been outstanding!


  1. Excellent work CC! Terrific themes and like you say some wonderful collages! If anyone else fancies picking the themes for October starting next Thursday please do let me know. I am only too happy to relinquish this task!

  2. Some timely inspiration for this great theme:

    I'm sorry that I haven't participated much. We're doing major home renovations and I barely have space for my laptop.

    1. WoW! Just looked at some of those 3-D maps. My husband upgraded his operating system and we've been enjoying using his iPhone in our car to navigate our way to places we know how to get to. Just because of those maps!

  3. I'm up for the October themes if the job's still vacant.

  4. The jobs yours Ron. Look forward to them!
