Sunday, 1 February 2015

Action Loss

Had an 'action loss' this week myself regarding new collages, so this is one from the archives and appeared in the fashion pages of my zine 'Half-A-Ton No.2'.


  1. It's silly: I love it! I know what you mean about "action loss," and I think it's a better phrase to use than "artist's block."

  2. I guess every creative person knows such a condition: "action loss" or "artist´s blockade" - ..... I know how it feels like ;)
    But - what´s about this zine "half-A-Ton"? Do you like to give us some more infos, Ron? I´m curious!

  3. Thanks all. Hopefully, I'll be back later in the groove this week and more kollage kit kreation.

    My zine is a (very) occasional publication Sabine. The most recent issue No.2 features cartoons, nonsense and collages including work from Michael wastedpapiers.
    There's details on ETSY here and I'm currently putting together Issue 3.
