Saturday, 9 December 2017

Tricollage by Josephine, Lynn and me

We made three Madonnas in "Exquisite Corpse" style - one made the head, covered it, passed it to the other who made the body and passed it to the third in line to finish. Here is one of them.


  1. Starting at the top, I feel how this madonna has spiritual energy bursting in profusion from her head. In the middle this madonna has powerful breasts, which she protects by wrapping her arms around her chest. At the bottom this madonna radiates love from her red, flowing skirt. Her legs are tucked under her, because she is sitting down and relaxed. She seems like she's meditating like her whole body is working together as a battery for life force. Such a treat to bserve!

  2. What fun! Always good to see collaborations!
