Wednesday 15 May 2019

Built-In Obsolescence: My Eyesight/Collaging

Dear Kollage Kitters,
I'm afraid my worsening eyesight isn't going to let me continue my collaging activities for the foreseeable future... the more eagle-eyed of you will probably have noticed my cutting getting more and more hamfisted in recent weeks, and this is because I can't do the close work as precisely as I would wish, and it was starting to give me added eyestrain, so I'm going to take a break from Kollage Kit, but will continue to see what wonderful collages you all come up with, and all the brilliant themes suggested each week!
So this will be the last collage for a while, made mainly from leaflets I picked up today from the eye hospital's waiting-room as I waited for the pre-op interview for cataract surgery! :)
Thank you for everything, and hope to resume normal service sometime in the future!
Steve Spontane X


  1. Oh dear. I really love the image you created here. We will miss you and until you return to creating collages, all the very best to you, Steve, for successful surgery!

    1. Thank you Angie, I shall miss you all too, and thank you for your well-wishes :)

  2. Hopefully your cataract surgery will result - like it did with my husband - in your becoming eagle-eyed. He can spot a collage scrap on the floor from 50 paces (and feels compelled to say so) Thanks for your good work and I send all my best wishes for a full clear recovery and improvement. With luck it's the cataracts that are obsolete not the eyes.. xx

    1. Thank you Jenn, I like the idea of the cataracts becoming obsolete instead of my eyesight, or my collaging! And having eagle eyed collage-scrap-vision definitely sounds like an improvement!

  3. Sorry to hear you need to take a break...but health comes first and i hope you will return clear eyed and sharp scissored ready for more brilliant collage action in the near future.x

    1. Thank you Hazel, yes, I was putting off the surgery etc for quite a while and my eyes were getting steadily worse, so it feels like the right-time to do it. And yes, until the near future!

  4. Great collage Steve and I wish you all the best with op and recovery and getting back into your artwork.

    1. Thank you Ron, yes hopefully normal (or maybe even improved?) service will be resumed as soon as possible, cheers!
