Saturday, 28 March 2020

OUT AND ABOUT: Dreaming of Gardening in the Virus Free Sunshine

From the archives.
I start to have "technicolor" dreams around this time of year.
Still very drab and chilly here in Chicago.
I looked through some collages this morning and thought this would cheer everyone, I know it did that to me!
Will create a new piece this afternoon.

Out and About...remember to pack the masks and "stay back stick".

                            Sorry I still don't seem to be able to comment on your collages..hope you are all            keeping isolated ... keep yourselves safe and well....x

Thursday, 26 March 2020

Saturday, 21 March 2020

Stay The Fuck Home

Dear Kollage "Kids" - after a long while I am contributing a collage.
Wishing you all the best. Take care, stay healthy - and home!
Best wishes, Sabine

Friday, 20 March 2020

Don't Panic!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Good choice of theme....and good advice too....

Thursday, 19 March 2020

DON'T PANIC! Enjoy your favorite healthy...take time to rest...exercise...laugh...cover that mouth!...wash the hands!...and above all BE CREATIVE!

My beverage of choice is coffee!

Don't Panic! - Come Away From The Bugs!

THEME: Don't Panic!

Okay, by now we are all feeling a bit of this. Try to live each moment fully and feel lucky for all your wonderful family members and friends and the homes we have created and all the blessings that have come our way. Eat healthy. Get enough sleep. Keep your distance from others when in a situation that it is called for. Wash your hands! Now, deep breathe...relax...make a collage...and don't panic!

Monday, 16 March 2020

Thursday, 12 March 2020

THEME: Best Friends

I think we might have had this theme before. Have fun with it!