Monday, 30 May 2022

MARKET DAY: Punch & Judy's "Boot Sale" featuring Arnold Print Works lithographed cloth dolls & toys


Established in 1860, Arnold Print Works was, at one time, a world leader in textile manufacturing with offices in New York City and Paris.

In the late 1890s they began creating lithographed cloth 3-piece patterns that could be sewn and stuffed. The dolls and "critters" could sit up by having the bottom panel in place. I owned an antique "Kitty" created by an Arnold Print Works pattern years ago, but eventually sold it at an antique mall when I was a second-hand dealer.

Friday, 27 May 2022

The Cheese Market

 Colin “The Cheese” decided to take advantage of the Cheese market to see if he could empty the junk out of his shed and see if he could flog it

Wednesday, 25 May 2022

Theme: Market Day

Collages inspired by all kinds of markets.

Favourite flea markets, supermarkets or fairs. Real or imaginary.

As the month of May comes to an end, this is my last week on the theme-setting for now.

Thanks for all your fine collages over the last 2 months. - Ron

Sleep ATCs

Thursday, 19 May 2022


Bernard and Graham always enjoyed the peace of the library for a little nap, but they could never find a way of getting comfy.

SLEEP - Sleeping Beauty

From the archives.

Wednesday, 18 May 2022

Theme: Sleep

Collages this week based on the world of slumber. Catnaps, snoozes, dreams and all things siesta. - Ron

WORLD COLLAGE DAY ... two collages created for mail art friends

Above (post card) collage made for Fiona Webster! Fi's father was a geologist and Fiona told me she did not play with Barbie dolls as a child. She played with assorted rubber dinosaurs.

Above collage made for mail artist Jon Foster who just sent me mail art and also recently posted to his blog an entry entitled "How Many Collages of Ringo is Enough?" He ended his post with this sentence: "But yeah, it's fair to say he truly knows nothing about cephalopods."


Merz on a Mercredi

Wednesday, 11 May 2022

Theme: World Collage Day May 14th & Free for All!

Thanks to Michael's Instagram feed I noticed it's World Collage Day on a "Free for All" or a celebratory collage related to the day is welcome...

More details here:

RECORD BREAKERS - Broken Record Magazine

Record Breakers: Bed Hat

1913: Lady Averling-Barford's hat breaks Royal Ascot records to the delight of the crowd.

Wednesday, 4 May 2022

Theme: Record Breakers!

Collages this week inspired by Record Breaking Feats. Factual or Fictional.

Guinness URL below may help with ideas. Ready Steady Glue!

DANCE - Charlie's Party