Monday 30 May 2022

MARKET DAY: Punch & Judy's "Boot Sale" featuring Arnold Print Works lithographed cloth dolls & toys


Established in 1860, Arnold Print Works was, at one time, a world leader in textile manufacturing with offices in New York City and Paris.

In the late 1890s they began creating lithographed cloth 3-piece patterns that could be sewn and stuffed. The dolls and "critters" could sit up by having the bottom panel in place. I owned an antique "Kitty" created by an Arnold Print Works pattern years ago, but eventually sold it at an antique mall when I was a second-hand dealer.


  1. Nice bit of snipping. I remember something similar - for advertising purposes - Force Flakes? A character that could be sewn and stuffed.

  2. I just GOOGLED...your memory serves you correct! "SUNNY JIM" was that sort of premium offered by Force Flakes. Here is an eBay listing for a vintage Jim:

  3. Fine collage Angie and interesting story about Arnolds.
