Tuesday 25 June 2024

What the Drone Delivered: WE BRING PEACE!

              From the archive.

 (I was not able to publish a comment. Will try again tomorrow.)



  1. Hi Everyone, After a long time in hospital and a rehabilitation centre I'm finally back home. In the meantime you all have made heaps of wonderful collages! Hopefully I can contribute on a (ir)ragular basis to Kollage Kit again. I'm still working on a new Drone Drop collage...

  2. Hi everyone! After a long time in hospital and a rehabilitation center I'm finally home. In the meantime you all made a lot of wonderful collages! Hopefully I can now contribute to Kollage Kit on a (ir)regular basis again. My new Drone Drop collage is nearly finished...

  3. Hello Ka! Welcome back. I have also been having problems posting comments (again). I switched to GOOGLE CHROME browser and that seems to have fixed problem!

    Menacing machine above the masses. That is how I sometimes feel living during these turbulent and unpredictable times of climate and political unrest.
