Thursday, 13 March 2025

THE DIVINE COMEDY -- "Inferno", "Purgatorio" and "Paradiso"

This challenge inspired me to create a triptych (ATCs) to portray the three parts of
 Dante's Divine Comedy.
Inferno: "Abandon all hope, ye who enter here"
Purgatorio: "And I'll sing, now, about that second realm where human spirits
purge themselves from stain, becoming worthy to ascend to Heaven."
Paradiso: "The love that moves the sun and stars."


  1. Beautiful ... Love the colour changes across them.. Works well.

    1. Thank you Hazel. I have a lot of "pre-cut" images (things I have cut out of books, etc. and plan to use at a later date because I know they will be a perfect part of some collage) and the three women happened to be in that group and I worked around them with various works of art to be included as background. I was inspired mightily by your theme (and also reading a lot about The Divine Comedy online which I have to honestly admit I was pretty ignorant of at this point)! The Kollage Kit once again broadens my horizons for which I am grateful.

    2. To be fair I didn't know much about it either.. but I loved the title.... And I thought it was about the 7 circles of hell.. And watching the news feels like that at the moment..

    3. I actually looked up those circles and what they represent I can think of many in the news who certainly qualify for eternal damnation based on the circles of Greed, Lust, Anger, Fraud, Heresy, Treachery and Violence.
