Sunday 12 April 2015

Better Living Through Chemicals

From your Polyester dress to your Dynel wig to your stain-resistant, soil-resistant, moth-proof, mildew-proof Acrilan acrylic fiber carpeting! 


  1. Oh this is beautiful in composition and color Angie! Must see if I can get such a lovely and clean carpet!

  2. "noise-les, srub-less, mop-less ..... " What fun! And yes, the combi of the vinatge images and the title are great, Angie!

  3. Thanks everyone! This one kind of came together as I was making another collage for a friend. I had to put that obviously wig-wearing illustration of the woman on top of that so artificial looking carpet! The dress was sitting on my work table and fit perfectly into the composition. Mr. Cat is the only natural thing in the advertisement...although he doesn't look too happy to be sitting among the plastic fibers.

  4. Living through the plastic age! Synthetic tile style. Great fun Angie.
