Thursday, 30 April 2015

Firestone CD Factory 1929.


  1. A Wall Street Smash Michael. Those first portable players were a killer though.

  2. Thanks Ron. I remember distinctly the first two CD's I ever bought from Brick Lane market in East London in around 1986. I bought them even before I had a CD player ! One was a New Orleans comp. on Charlie Records and the other was Songhai with a mixture of African and Spanish players- instrumental. They still work fine despite worries that CD's would degenerate over time.

  3. I can't remember the first one I bought but I thought they were amazing. Still a big fan if the CD and of course when one could compile your own it got even better. And yes, they're still working after 30 years!
    Talking of formats. I liked this design by londonlee...good blog too.

  4. Ha Ha Michael. Good one. And speaking of your first CD. I bought Joni Mitchell's 'Court & Spark' album for my husband before we had a CD player as well.

  5. Love the collage, W, and laughing over how everyone bought CD's before they even had a player...of course I would NEVER do that...(can't remember what it was).

  6. I didn't like CD's, but I remember my first vinyl single from my money pocket ... that was 'This Strange Effect' from Dave Berry.
