Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Roy Rogers


  1. Wow—you've got Peter Blake in your bones! The frames, the primary colors, the pop themes—it's so excellent!

  2. Thanks both! He is a big influence I must admit and I was looking through two of the books I have about him today for inspiration and marvelling at all the work he has done over the years. Found a letter he wrote to me in 1986 too stuck into one which was a kind reply to a rather disbelieving letter I had written him about signing prints in the Tate Gallery catalogue I had bought. He explains that he DID sign them all- in fact he signed over 25,000 ! which seems quite astonishing! So that was nice to find again.

  3. This is an intersting story - and Roy Roger is gorgeous!

  4. Geez, what a great story, W. And I love the Roy Rogers...he, the Lone Ranger and Tarzan hold a special place in everybody's childhood, I think. It's spectacularly vibrant!
