Thursday, 18 December 2014

Happy Dystopian Festivities To You All


Sorry for the bleakness of my little holiday's just what I happened to be working on this morning and we're leaving town today, so it will have to do!  Hope the holiday season and the new year find each of you hale, hearty, healthy, happy and many other things that start with the letter "h"...see you in 2015, dear friends.


  1. You always surprise me Lynn with your 'cool' (warm) collages! Love the kids in their outfits, love the one red ball and love the statement you make!
    Have a good holiday and all the best wishes for you too.

  2. Hee hee...Happy Holidays to you and yours Lynn.

  3. Excellently done! I love a good old fashioned dystopian Christmas! All the best!

  4. Yes, we're systematically destroying our planet, so dystopian festivity is very appropriate! Merry christmas and Happy New Year, Lynn! (I'll be doing the themes starting January 1st....just FYI.)

  5. Nice collage. All the best for the season Lynn.
    (In Britain we always need gas-masks after the brussel sprouts are dished out!)

  6. I love your dystopian Christams greetings a lot, Lynn!
    Wishing you a Merry Christmas - and have a good time - see you 2015!
