Thursday, 9 July 2015

The Audition

Small assemblage from the 70's that I sent to a friend. It's made of a carved wooden frame, an old sepia photo/postcard and two plastic toys. The naked lady came from a novelty item that included a bath.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I have rewritten my comment:

      A bit hard to make out, but your assemblage looks super special and sweet! I particularly like the expressions on the men which seem to suggest their joy at being able to look at the lady's naughty bits! LOL

  2. It took me a while to realize the dark wood with the "witch's cottage" (and the police officer) in the foreground. In combination with the red hair of the lady I had to think on "Littel Red Riding Hood" - the only thing that striked me as odd is the fact that she is naked ;-)
    Good start in this week´s theme for all of us!

  3. I hope the lady was the winner of this audition ;))

  4. You're a dirty, dirty, little man, W! Wonderfully intriguing little piece.

  5. Nice one Michael. Looks like the butler saw Miranda the Mermaid to me. I'm sure the constable will sort it all out and sell some tickets for the Policeman's Ball.
