Dear Kollage Kitters,
I'm afraid my worsening eyesight isn't going to let me continue my collaging activities for the foreseeable future... the more eagle-eyed of you will probably have noticed my cutting getting more and more hamfisted in recent weeks, and this is because I can't do the close work as precisely as I would wish, and it was starting to give me added eyestrain, so I'm going to take a break from Kollage Kit, but will continue to see what wonderful collages you all come up with, and all the brilliant themes suggested each week!
So this will be the last collage for a while, made mainly from leaflets I picked up today from the eye hospital's waiting-room as I waited for the pre-op interview for cataract surgery! :)
Thank you for everything, and hope to resume normal service sometime in the future!
Steve Spontane X