Thursday, 30 May 2019

Awkward Family Portraits

                                   The Pigeon masks really ruined the family portrait.

Awkward Family Portraits - Trick Or Treat

Thursday, 16 May 2019



From the archives -

William could never get the hang of this new technology....

I might have been trying too hard to do a joke about A man trying to do "scratching" with a tape instead of a I added him balancing a humpback whale for added silliness..
Thank you Jen...I love your themes...always a fun challenge.

Wednesday, 15 May 2019

Next Theme: FRANTIC SCRATCHING, MAY 16; TRANSPORTS OF DELIGHT, May 23; AWKWARD FAMILY PORTRAITS, May 30 - note: contributors are welcome to submit theme suggestions to - chosen ones will be fully credited - Jenn

Built-In Obsolescence: My Eyesight/Collaging

Dear Kollage Kitters,
I'm afraid my worsening eyesight isn't going to let me continue my collaging activities for the foreseeable future... the more eagle-eyed of you will probably have noticed my cutting getting more and more hamfisted in recent weeks, and this is because I can't do the close work as precisely as I would wish, and it was starting to give me added eyestrain, so I'm going to take a break from Kollage Kit, but will continue to see what wonderful collages you all come up with, and all the brilliant themes suggested each week!
So this will be the last collage for a while, made mainly from leaflets I picked up today from the eye hospital's waiting-room as I waited for the pre-op interview for cataract surgery! :)
Thank you for everything, and hope to resume normal service sometime in the future!
Steve Spontane X

Built in obsolescence - Mystery girl

Wednesday, 8 May 2019

BUILT-IN OBSOLESCENCE May 9th; then FRANTIC SCRATCHING, May 16; TRANSPORTS OF DELIGHT, May 23 - note: contributors are welcome to submit theme suggestions to - chosen ones will be fully credited - Jenn

CIRCUS MAGIC: McNear's Circus

These are the 5 collaged pages for a one-off book for my friend's 60th birthday. She  loved the circus when a child. The collage is cutout black paper placed on top of coloured patches underneath.

CIRCUS MAGIC - Flea Circus

Another from the archive, rather than upload an inferior offering. Still not back into full collage mode after our weekend in Llandudno.

The Great Hyacinth Princess Irene (Circus Magic)

"When choosing her stage name and costume for her role as Magicians assistant in Blippo's Circus Irene now felt she had been a bit hasty in adopting the full Hyacinth face mask....especially with her hay fever!"

Sorry...rushed job trying to  compensate for collage with silly story....

Friday, 3 May 2019

Thursday, 2 May 2019

CIRCUS MAGIC - Packed Tent

Another from the archive. We are actually off to see a mini circus in Llandudno this weekend so no time to make anything new! Maybe next week.

CIRCUS MAGIC - For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite

From the archives .