Thursday 25 February 2021

Theme: Eyewear & Headgear

A bit of fun theme this week with all types of glasses & hats etc. welcome.

Either mix and match or separate.

This is my last theme of my Winter run.

Thanks for all the fine collages and comments over the last three months. They’ve all been a tonic during lockdown.

#StaySafe - Ron


  1. Great themes Ron - a pleasure to make collages for them all. The latest is right up my street - nothing I like better than sticking silly hats and glasses on people! Who wants to pick themes for next month?

    1. I am nominating our new comrade in collage -- KA! Please do.

    2. I would be delighted and excited to pick the themes for the next two weeks! I'm going to think real hard the coming week... :)

    3. Thursday is our usual theme day - the morning if possible - no pressure Ka. Thanks for joining our happy little throng!

    4. Thanks Michael! (Haha, I had to look up what "throng" was! Besides the fun, KK is very educational to me as well.)

  2. Thanks Ron! I joined Kollage Kit only a few weaks ago, so I missed a lot of your themes. I loved the ones I could participate in! You chose well!

    1. Ka, as above, you have just been nominated to pick themes for the next TWO WEEKS? Please. We have really been enjoying your work and are really happy to have you on board.

    2. Thanks for your kind words, Angie! I feel even more welcome now!

    3. Cheers Ka, thanks. I'm looking forward to your new challenges in weeks ahead.

  3. Hello Ron, a huge thanks to you for all the fun & challenging themes over -- WOW -- the past 3 weeks (which were the dregs of winter here in "The Windy City" (we turned into the "The Snowiest/Iciest City") and you made those weeks more pleasant by giving me a creative outlet to occupy my mind.

    1. Thanks Angie. Looks like it has been a rough past few weeks in Chicago. I hope temperatures are getting back to normal for you. When we hit March, looking forward to the lighter evenings and maybe small changes ahead to lockdown situation here.

  4. Thank you Ron...some fun challenges which have helped us through this other challenge....x
