This phrase evolved over time. Its origin is attributed to John Milton's 1645 poem L'Allegro which includes lines addressed to Euphrosyne, one of the Three Graces of Greek mythology:
Come, and trip it as ye go,
On the light fantastick toe.
This phrase evolved over time. Its origin is attributed to John Milton's 1645 poem L'Allegro which includes lines addressed to Euphrosyne, one of the Three Graces of Greek mythology:
Come, and trip it as ye go,
On the light fantastick toe.
Waltzing, Jiving, Twisting, Pogo-ing or simply letting it all hang out to the music. Collage the Light Fantastic.
This is my last theme week in April but I don't mind continuing for May if that's okay. - Ron
...coming up with an educational tool in 1766 to teach geography. He affixed a world map to wood and carved each country thereby creating the first jigsaw puzzle!
Sensing a business opportunity, he created puzzles on eight themes -- the World, Europe, Asia, Africa, America, England and Wales, Ireland and Scotland.
Charles Goodyear (1800-1860) was an America self-taught chemist and manufacturing engineer who developed vulcanized rubber for which he received a patent in 1844. He is credited with inventing the chemical process to create and manufacture pliable, waterproof, moldable rubber.
He replies “I have a horse and pair”
To which his friend replied …”so you have 3 horses”