Saturday, 19 October 2024

STUNNING "camo" starring Ruth St. Denis in the role of the Nāga Queen in Angkor Vat circa 1918

 Admirers call her the "First Lady of American dance," and not without reason, for Ruth St. Denis devoted half a century to promoting new and uniquely American dance forms.


  1. Excellent choice of animal prints! A roaring success!

  2. Striking camo-collage in black, silver & gold! And nice to learn more about Ruth after googling.
    She was quite a character. Amazing artist.

  3. Thanks ... making collages for this blog makes me learn new things and about new people as well. I have a book called "The Dance" and I actually never knew about Ms. St. Denis until I fixated on her image and subsequently decided to make her the camouflage subject.
