Thursday 5 January 2012

The Blue Rajah, His Sons, and the Royal Sabertooths


  1. Stunning! Tigers , especially sabre tooths, are very rare as I discovered looking through all my encyclopedias and magazines yesterday!

  2. Fabulous, Lynn—the ptero's are a great addition! And I love how the fork fingers suggest slashing claws...

    My husband and I were talking last night about how the early big cat trainers in circuses didn't wear the pith-helmet-n-khakis-n-boots "big white hunter" outfits: they dressed as Indian maharajahs, like the kids in your collage.

  3. Overall a slashingly clever image emulating the power of the teeth of a tiger -- from the fork fingers to the extinct sabre tooth tigers (named so because of their sword like teeth) and pterodactyls (which is from the Greek "pterodaktulos" meaning "winged fingers"!

  4. Thanks, all, and CC, I had no idea I was so cuttingly clever....!

  5. Brilliant collage! The fork man is hilarious!
