Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Theme: Alternate History

First of all, props to Michael Leigh (Wastedpapiers) for giving us so many terrific themes!

This week is all about alternate timelines—past, present, future: Joan of Arc traveling to Mars, Neanderthals rocking the fashions of the 1960s, your world if things had turned out differently, wherever your imagination takes you...


  1. Thanks Fi. Happy to step back and let someone else take over the themes for a bit! Anyone else who wants to do next months do let me know.

    1. If it's OK with you, ML, I'll just ask someone else to do next month, then they can ask someone for the month after, and so on until we cycle back 'round to you. I'm talking about the half-dozen or so of us who are regular contributors, of course...

    2. I can if you want me to?

  2. I can come up with a theme if someone wants me too ;)

    1. You might have to wait in line - being the "new boy" but I'm sure your turn will come !
