Saturday 26 December 2020

The Year 2020: Zoomy Toons Goes Live


  1. Interesting take on the year Ron. Love the cartoon elements. Still recovering from the festivities but will get cracking on some collaging soon!

    1. Me too...Have to get the wrapping paper off the work table and get to work on this theme!

  2. how did you get a photo of one of my Zoom calls? thing I want to forget about 2020!...LOVE THIS THOUGH.

  3. Thanks Michael & Hazel. Hope you had a good Christmas. Still working on the leftovers here...maybe another Turkey curry tonight.

    1. Mmmmmmmm...turkey curry...thinking about that for tonight's dinner (I use ground turkey for my recipe). Anyway, YES -- those scheduled ZOOM calls which seem to cut into my day and go on and on without me having a chance to say something (depending on who the calls are with) and then my husband and HIS never ending scheduled ZOOM calls and I happen to be listening and want to comment on something that was said, so I come and look over his shoulder to chip in and he gets miffed and says "here, want to sit down and talk?" which is the last thing his guy pals want to hear -- LOL! So, yes, ZOOM calls are definitely a huge part of everyone's 2020.

    2. Yes, Xmas was fine - a bit quiet without our boy here - we did zoom and few times though. popped over to see Granma and Audrey on Xmas day for a socially distanced cracker pull through the french windows! Hiddled round a mexican stove for warmth in the back garden - ate a mince pie - shouted at rather deaf Granma through the window! what fun!

    3. Yes, a bit quiet all round. Our turkey's finally gone for another year Angie, great while it lasted.
      Only one Zoom call for us. I think I got the lighting wrong or right maybe... looked like a Gothic, Victorian Christmas!

      The cracker pull through the window Michael - brilliant idea! :D
