Wednesday 24 January 2024

THEME: Sweet Dreams

Hello my Kollage Kit has been three months now that I have been picking themes and I think it is time to hand the job over to someone else. Hope you all had fun with my challenges and I had great fun seeing your interpretations. I really enjoy this blog and I look forward to being inspired in the coming year!

For now...Sweet Dreams.


  1. Thank you for the great themes…enjoyed the challenges.

  2. Many thanks for your themes Angie. Another good one for this week!

  3. You are welcome! (I suspect that is Hazel above you??) And have a great week ahead, I sure hope your winter winds have subsided. Chicago has finally come out of its deep-freeze and I feel human again.

  4. Yes, Hazel can't make comments under her name for some odd reason we can';t figure out! So she's being anon. for the time being. Would Ka like to do the themes next month I wonder? I'll ask her.

  5. Thanks Angie for all the kollage challenges these last 3 months. Good one this week!

    1. You are so welcome. I enjoyed picking and I am glad you like this one too!

  6. Angie, you did a great job, picking themes!! Unfortunatelly I can't take over. I have to stay in the hospital for a few weeks. They told me I could take things with me to make me feel at home. But somehow they are not enthousiastic about bringing hunderds of books for collaging! I'll try to make a new collage for this week and stick to reading after that.
    I love the Kollage Kit blog! It is great to see what everybody creates for the weekly challenge in their own style. Hopefully I can contribute more new collages in the future.
    All the best, Ka

  7. Sending you positive get well vibes…rest and let your body repair…we look forward to seeing your collages when you are the meantime post archive ones….xx

  8. P.s anon is hazel…

  9. Hope you feel better Ka, wishing you all the best.
    I don't mind doing the themes for next couple of months.

  10. All our best wishes to Ka for a speedy recovery. Thanks Ron for stepping in to do the themes. We look forward to them.
