Tuesday 19 March 2024

riddle-me-ree: I start with an "M".....

I start with an “M”,

end with an “X”

& have a never ending amount of letters? What Am I?

I think Michael will get this one.


  1. I sure hope Michael gets this one because I am wracking my brain here in Chicago...

    (My husband looked over my shoulder and thinks it has to do with letters you put in the post.)

    And I have one more thing to say...I love this collage. Their faces! Cutting out those letters to make words (which is something I don't do enough...I should practice more...in case I ever need a ransom note)!! ha ha

  2. On the right track Angie...it's MAIL BOX.
    Thanks. I always find last week's TV listing magazine handy for the ransom note style.

    1. I will let Ted know! And thanks for the tip re: my next ransom letter!
