Saturday 17 August 2024

Let me tell ya 'bout the BIRDS and the BEES and the flowers and the trees and the moon up above...

 ...and a thing called LOVE! This collage was created with inspiration from the hit song entitled:

"The Birds and the Bees" released in 1964 by Jewel Akens. Find it on YouTube if you don't know it!


  1. Replies
    1. Many thanks! I love a good collage challenge (and I am happy I have so many sources on hand)!!

  2. I like the colours and compostition here and the callback to The Moon from last week.
    Great collage and great song!

    1. Thanks Ron. An "oldie but a goodie" (the song).

  3. Thanks Ka! Was fun to put together. After I glued it all down I found the moon I was really looking for (I have some pre-cut comical moons ... moons with human facial expressions ... and, oh well I guess I will use the one I could have used in another collage)!
