Thursday 28 May 2020

THEME of the Week - Comings and Goings

What's happening?  Are we there yet?  Do we need a testing strategy?   How's your eyesight?  A long drive to Barnard Castle on the cards?   Social distancing driving you up the wall?   Have fun and stay safe.


  1. Trying out the new format where you can choose cool colours for the typeface etc. Obviously I didn't want it like this but couldnt find a way to change it!

    1. Huh, didn't know we had this option. At any rate, my thoughts turned to a collage I made for another theme that fits this theme and I will find it and post it. Also, replied to Ron's request to pick themes for June & July. Sounds good to me!

  2. Good theme Michael. It's Green for Go, as well up here in Scotchland as we start Phase 1 of easing Lockdown tomorrow. Durham looks nice...but might leave it for now. :D

    If that's okay, I'm up for doing themes for June & July (Here comes the summer! Wot 'appened to Spring?)

    1. YaY Ron...LOOKING FORWARD TO YOUR THEMES!! Have fun coming and going, but please do it safely!

    2. Yes by all means Ron - take the themes and run with them! Looking forward to a Summer of Collage ( cos there's nothing much else happening! )

  3. That's great, cheers, looking forward to next 2 months. StaySafe.
