Thursday 26 April 2012

A Recurring Dream She Hadn't Had For Years Has Raised Its Head Again

Inspired by a quote (which is the title of this collage) that I read online re: Kate Middleton's dream that she is completely nude at her Royal Wedding.

The girl in the collage is me circa 1966, then as now, on the outside looking in...a dream that manifests in different ways and often recurs.


  1. least you're out there with the stars!

    P.S. If you want to make that link, you need to type

    words to make sticky

    1. Oops, that didn't work. Type

      a href="url">words to make sticky</a

      and put a left angle bracket at the beginning, and a right angle bracket at the end. (I hope this will work.)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I tried to make that link work by doing what you said, but alas! I guess if you want to read about Kate Middleton's nightmare you just have to copy and paste into your browser! Thanks Fi. :)

  2. Lovely work. I sometimes have a recurring nightmare about being in a free-falling lift. Fortunately I get to keep my clothes on.

    1. Oooh, that would be a real nightmare! I forget what just wearing your birthday suit in a dream means. But sometimes I have realized I am dreaming and can strip (and have done it!) What does that mean???

  3. Excellent! I think it was Tommy Cooper who once said "I had a dream I was eating a large marshmallow and when I woke up the pillow was missing!"

    1. That's a funny line. Isn't Tommy Cooper the comedian who collapsed on stage and died and the audience didn't know he had had a heart attack?

  4. Excellent! I used to have this dream when I was in lower elementary school -- take off the coat and notice with horror that I was wearing only my slip, trapped in the cloak room, horrors!!
