Sunday, 29 June 2014

envelope for Denise

I realize this isn't much in the way of collage, but I spent all day writing the 1.7 oz. (48.2 gm.) letter that's inside of this. I'm going out of town, so I need to get it in the mail tomorrow. The rubber stamps are by the French artist Sardon, adapted from engravings by the great (and highly influential) Mexican artist, José Guadalupe Posada. The letter paper was decorated with still more Sardon-adapted Posada images.


  1. Le Tampographe Sardon, he's an absolute favorite of mine in carving and designing his own stamps.
    Here's a link to his working process:

  2. Just great! And the Jimi Hendrix stamp works well on this piece.

  3. Love the stamps, Fi - especially the 2 skeletons "fighting" with the scissor.
