Sunday, 22 June 2014

This is Our Home

Cover liberated from a 1949 Catholic early reader written by Sister Marguerite:

"See our pretty house.  Oh, this is fun, fun fun!"


  1. I´m not sure if Sister Marguerite would love this new cover?! But I do! This green little monsters coming out if it! Wonderful!

  2. Scary and cute at the same time!

  3. Great collage Lynn! Faith and Freedom, Hell and Damnation .... two sides of the same coin.
    Looks like Hieronymus Bosch was still in the neighbourhood ;))

  4. Wow, I'm impressed with your snipping out all those spiky, spiny things! I love spiky, spiny things. I love this collage, and it's especially riveting that the children are black silhouettes. On a blood-red background, that's as scary as the critters!

  5. Like minds, was indeed that blood red and black that seemed to whisper "little spiky, spiny monsters" to me!

  6. WoW! The first thing I thought of was how children supposedly attract "poltergeists" and I swear I always thought they might look like these creepy flying harpies!
