Thursday 21 March 2019

WISE PURSUITS - Owl Collection

From the archive. Owls are considered to be very wise birds for some reason so here is a collection of them. Maybe all of them can figure out this Brexit mess!


  1. I have a small collection of owls perched outside my studio door. I got to thinking about wisdom being associated with owls. According to Geoffrey Brickley:

    "The anthropomorphism of owl wisdom, I believe comes from their eyes. They watch, they listen, they are relatively quiet. These were qualities normally associated with wisdom: watching, listening and being quiet."

    According to the website

    The owl was a symbol for Athena, goddess of wisdom and strategy, before the Greeks gave their pantheon human forms. According to myth, an owl sat on Athena’s blind side, so that she could see the whole truth. In Ancient Greece, the owl was a symbol of a higher wisdom, and it was also a guardian of the Acropolis.

    By the way, great collage, Michael.

    1. Thanks for all the info. I knew there was a good reason !

  2. Love this - years ago, I made an Athena marionette for the Story of Perseus. Athena was all about wisdom and strength. She carried a shield and wore a helmet, When it was time for her to leave, she magically transformed - before your very eyes - into an owl and flew away. (Her skirt pulled up into here armour; her head dropped down into the same chest armour and the top of her helmet - was the owl's head. it flew away to sounds of audience... wow!
