Friday 10 November 2023

A Happy Place - Collage Fun Annual

Nothing makes me happier than to sit down with a big pile of old magazines and books and go through them for likely collage material. The record player or cassette player on spinning some favourite songs and I'm in my element! In this case its an old Radio Fun annual with Norman Wisdom on the cover that caught my eye.


  1. Michael, I totally agree with your first sentence. I feel the very same way. And yes! Music is a big part of my creative process as well. I do not know who Norman Wisdom is but just looking at him made me feel happy. Great collage!

  2. Nice one Michael. Much the same here.
    And, I'd like to see Norman's "Gump" character making a collage!

  3. Thanks both. Yes, Norman was a favourite from my childhood down the local flea pit. Mr. Grimsdale! What a great comic ( shame about the songs!).
