Sunday 7 April 2013

tiny green things

I won't try to tell you what all these things are, and it may baffle you some, because they're all at different scales, but they include seeds, spores, and various photosynthetic organisms. It's not all happy springtime news, though, because the light green spheroids are that famous hospital bad guy: methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (aka "mrsa").

Like most of my collages, it looks better if you click and view it against black.


  1. Now this is green! Fascinating choice of images, Fi, and lovely composition. Great piece.

  2. I'm green with envy at your finds!

  3. I´ve got a runny nose by now because I´m an allergy sufferer. Nevertheless I like you green collection and it´s interesting to see the MRSA-things. They are looking so harmlessly....

  4. Another great collage Fi. I feel extremely itchy when I look at things like this as I imagine them microscopic, crawling on my skin right now...scratch scratch...
