Wednesday 5 September 2018

Oi, licked 'em, Stein...

Having posted this collage a couple of hours ago, it's starting to disturb me slightly – I have no qualms about using a Lichtenstein painting as its base, because he used comic artists work most of the time as a basis for his work anyway – but the simple act of cutting out two Lichtenstein faces out of a piece, then pasting the remainder on top of an old painting from the cover of an Art Quarterly has resulted in something a bit stranger than intended.
Not that I really knew what I intended in the first place anyway, but it's all got a bit disorienting, the one face/two faces thing, and why is Brad's now all furry?


  1. I think this piece works extremely well, Steve. It's sur-really great.

  2. I like it! The fact that you're finding it disturbing is a good thing, in my book. When I'm disturbed by my art, I always hope that other people will be, too. =laugh= For me, the most effective part is the woman's face, with its oddly assymetrical eyes and slightly distressed expression, is the most interesting part. Can you tell us who painted that face? It looks pre-Raphaelite to me, like Burne-Jones perhaps. But I could be way off.
