Sunday, 16 September 2018

Queen of the Clippies

Definition of Clippie

slang, British
: a woman who is a conductor and ticket-taker on a bus


  1. Ha ha ... I could have guessed, but thanks for the definition! We have conductors on commuter trains who love to take out their punches and make all kinds of holes in your ticket, and I can honestly never figure out what the holes refer to. This Queen looks like she has a car full of characters and punching to do! Good one, Ron.

    1. I amend the above. This Queen looks like she has a car full of characters and CLIPPING to doi!!

  2. LOvely work! Is there a Queen of the Scribbles also I wonder as on the train the conductor scribbles on our tickets instead of making a hole with a punch? Hazel calls them drawings and saves them all!
