Thursday, 31 January 2019

home stomping ground

From the archives. As most of you know, I'm from Texas. This collage features, among other critters, a Texan wild pig called the javelina ("hah-vuh-lee-nah"). The arrows depict a trip my husband and I made, during which I saw a female javelina, followed by four tiny replicas, emerge from some tall grass and cross a trail in front of me. She was insouciant; she also appeared to be gentle and easy-going.


  1. Aren't javelinas kinda mean critters? Nice memory of your road trip.

  2. I do recall some children's book that had a description of nasty javelinas, but I think that whole incident was apocryohal. I've never known any that weren't mild-mannered and shy of humans, like most wild mammals.

  3. I dig the Javelinas - we need some in Scotland!
