Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Radio Bosch


  1. I think I could listen to this radio all day long... great collage Michael!

  2. Definitely a face for radio that bat-Bosch man there. Great stuff.
    Thanks for the Mr Bowie banner display Michael.
    Been suffering with the dreaded lurgi this past week, hope to get back kollaging soon.

    1. Ok Ron...you made me curious, being American. I looked up "the dreaded lurgi" and found out it's attributed to genius of THE GOON SHOW!

      “The dreaded lurgi” becoming a school playground term for some horrid infection you had supposedly contracted, especially one you had as a result of being dirty or smelly or just not like the other kids. It has survived to the present day as a slang term in schools across Britain among children who have no idea where it comes from. The disease is also known in Australia and New Zealand, but all Americans seem to be inoculated against it at birth, since it’s virtually unknown to them (but then, they have cooties instead).

    2. Don´t know what lurgi is - is this the computer virus? What ever - get well soon!
      And I like your banner, too!

  3. I would prefer to listen to Radio Bosch just during daylight - otherwise it would probably steal my night's sleep!

  4. Thanks Angie & Sabine. lol. Wasn't sure of the origins of the Lurgi or indeed if it was make-believe. It does sound very Bosch though! It's a very British turn of phrase indeed inspired by The Goon Show episode. A daft umbrella term for any virus or ailment - it my case the Man-Flu! :D

    1. Hope you are feeling better Ron - love the banner and look forward to more collages soon!
