Sunday, 5 November 2017

rollage: land/cloudscape

Painting by Alan Sonneman.

I'm not sure I'm doing this technique the way you're supposed to, but I do have a penchant for the surreal and/or abstract. And Sabine, you did say "mixed, moved, twisted, interchanged, omitted..." =laugh=


  1. I like you land/ cloudscape rollage, Fi - and not yet sure (after our discussion about the word "kitschy") what I have written in the explanation of "rollage" - haha

    1. Actually, with the possible exception of "tawdry," which has a connotation of "offensive," all those words you listed for "kitschy" fit in that family of synonyms. As for what you wrote in your explanation of "rollage," I love it! ...and as is obvious, am running with the ball.

      I don't know what it is about these themes that are more in the nature of techniques, than subjects, but I find them especially inspiring—because they're wide-open, I suppose.

  2. Correct rollage technique or not (I think it is) this is a stunning image Fi! and you are particularly good at these because of your inspiration.
