Saturday, 4 August 2018

Atypical ant, a typical room, Friendship Hotel, Beijing, China.

This is a bit of a cheat, as regards it fitting this week's diary theme, but here goes – we got back home yesterday after three days away, I went upstairs and found three unused 2-piece collages from last week, still in the scanner, so stuck those to an A4 sheet of paper.
There was no food readily available in the house, so I went to the chip shop to buy enough fish suppers for the family, and while waiting for my order to be prepared, went down the hill a bit to go to the second-hand bookshop, where the first thing I found was an ancient brochure for the Friendship Hotel, Beijing, in the travel books section.
Walked up the hill, we all ate our tea, then I got to work, cutting up the brochure – I noticed it had several references to 'A Typical Room', which miraculously fit with the tagline 'Atypical Antwerp' on one of the collage pieces, and put all the elements together, along with an old wrapper from a packet of Trebor Extra Strong Mints I found in my back pocket.
The whole thing is kind of confused, and lacks cohesion/focus maybe, but I think it accurately reflects my state of mind upon getting home after a long journey with the family!


  1. No cheating here. I think you nailed it, Steve! Well done.

    1. Thank you Collage Craft, yes I was worried that using pre-existing collages from the week before was kind of wrong, but somehow they work better as part of something bigger anyway, rather than stand-alone little pieces!

  2. Hi Steve, nice to meet you and welcome in club.
    I like your diary collage exactly because it id "kind of confused, and lacks cohesion/focus maybe" (like you said), because this is how life is! And therefore I just can echo Angie: You nailed it!

    1. Thank you for your welcome miriskum dot de, nice to meet you too...
      Yes it's true, life is so often like this, and so it should be reflected in our artwork sometimes! :)

    2. True words.
      I´ve forgotten to mention that my name is Sabine ;-)

    3. Hello Sabine! My name is mostly Steve, but Stephen to my family, and to some old work colleagues - Stevie, sometimes :)

  3. Yep, we feel the same after a long flight! Excellent!

    1. Cheers Wastedpapiers, hope your jet lag wears off soon, and that we all feel less discombobulated in the coming days!

  4. Definitely captures that just back post-holiday feeling. Superb!
