Thursday 23 August 2018

The Cake Cut

Early film noir that was lost in a mysterious fire at Universal Studios. Only thing left was this poster. Story outline was that mad scientist and baker The Sponge Finger ( Sigooff ) has plans for world domination of the cake and pudding industries. He teams up with Dame Betty Bourbons and her demented dog Jammy Dodger to steal the infamous Custard Gun belonging to Prince Shortbread McJaffa ( Bela Lukar ). McJaff hires super sleuth Tod Doughnut( Norman Danish ) to find out what's going on and to thwart their evil plans. ( From the archives )


  1. OMG...WHAT AN IMAGINATION! You really outdid yourself with this one, Michael!

  2. I remember this with great also starred Dunkin McCrae and Mr Pastry in early rolls.

  3. Excellent, Michael! Great collage and an amazing backstory too, and the letterforms are very cool as well - spot on!
