Wednesday 5 December 2018

This week's theme: Night In The City

I've been re-listening to the Joni Mitchell song of the above name recently… and it struck me as a good theme, especially now it's turned December and it gets dark so early here in London...

And here is Joni, singing the song back in 1967… something slightly spooky about this song, and also the washed-out black-and-whiteness of the film here, but I can't quite work out what it is...


  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE Joni. #1 FAN HERE. Great song. Thanks for posting that video, I thought I had seen most of the Joni YouTube posts!!

    Also, great first challenge, Steve.

    1. Thank you Angie, and glad you're a Joni fan too! Yes, I'd never seen that video either, most footage, even from around that stage, is colour stuff, and more hi-fidelity than this b/w gem!

    2. Yes, love it. There are others out there, mostly from Canadian TV shows she appeared on as a young "folkie". What a great talent. I have every recordng she has ever made.

  2. Great song and theme Steve. Looking forward to this.
